What is hidden in baph's DEN?

You can find that out for only a few bucks - and if you aren't happy with what you see, you can cancle within 30 days.

For everyone who's supporting me: Thank you a lot! I hope you enjoy the extra stuff I post there!


There are already a few things to find.

  • Two controversial Videos (viewer discretion is advised!)
  • A funny picture (of baph from the future) - Oh! Gosh! Face reveal!
  • Some rambling about app filters
  • A collection of funny memes

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If you want to help me grow my audience, you can click on the QR Code pictures, save them on your devices, and share them wherever with whoever you want.


Your support helps me a lot. In every way. I love to create videos, and I love to write my blog articles. Everything free for everyone to see. (Oh that is a beautiful sentence!)

Supporters though will get some Extras.

A deeper glimpse into baph's life, thoughts and some

wild stories that occurred.