So this super rich guy - I will not mention his name, we know him all - finally bought Twitter. This micro blogging social media thing. It wouldn't be a big deal if that super rich guy wouldn't be... different. He thinks different, he works different. And it seems that nobody in this world really understands what he is doing why and what will come next.
To be honest, I still don't care too much about the future of Twitter. Don't get me wrong - I do care for the people working there, and it's sad news for the current employes to hear that this guy will fire about half of them. But as some ordinary user, it doesn't affect me too much. At the moment at least. Who knows what that super rich guy is up to next.
Uncertain future
So at this moment this super rich guy seems to destruct and rebuild Twitter. And with it more and more people seem to close or delete their accounts there. And because this happens, I don't know if I will continue to use it. I still feel that there isn't much to tweet from my side and the DadFeels-re-tweets didn't really help Dad grow his audience - because most people following me are fans of Dad. So. At the moment I don't really have a plan for my future on Twitter. I will keep my account. And sometimes maybe tweet something nobody is interested in. Hehehe. And if that super rich guy is going to kill that bird, than that's how it should be. I hope this won*t be as bad as the re-designing of MySpace was. It was great. Until they changed too much. And Facebook became more attractive. (What a shame, tbh)
In the last one and a half, maybe two years I spent more and more time checking twitter. scrolling through tweets, sometimes replying. Most of the time checking Dad's tweets or what fans of him tweeted. And only in the last six months I felt that "amorousness" because I felt more and more comfortable using Twitter. Not only to re-tweet or tweet (about) myself, but to interact with other people. But now people tweet less or -some of those I follow - already closed their accounts. I guess there will not be enough time for this "amorousness" to develop to "love" - like I "experienced" with Social Media platforms like MySpace, YouTube, Discord, Reddit or Twtich (a bit. also for a short period of time I really loved Facebook).
For now. I guess I will keep checking in from time to time. And wait for what the future will bring.